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Saturday, July 16, 2011

My new Bag Lady

Since we are moving, (read: massive de-cluttering) I decided I needed a new Bag Lady for the new place. Isn't she a doll!
These are easy to make. Find a suitable sized stuffed animal or doll wearing a dress. Cut off the bottom half of the doll, remove some stuffing and re-sew the body closed. Remove stitching on the back or side of the dress to make a "pocket" to put the grocery bags in. If the dress isn't long enough, add a ruffle, or two. Near the bottom, sew a ribbon around the dress, sew along each edge to form as a casing. Pull the elastic through the casing by pinning it to a safety pin and pushing it through. Gather it in tight, leaving an opening about 4 to 6 centimeters across (1 1/2 - 2 inches). Tie another piece of string or ribbon around her neck to hang her up somewhere convenient.
There! Now you have a handy and adorable place to store grocery bags.

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